Interview: Peter Horvath

We are proud to introduce the famous Hungarian modeller, Peter Horvath, widely known for his interesting dioramas, rusty and abandoned vehicle models and also – a manufacturer for fine modelling tools!

Hi Peter!

Thank you for your time!

First of all, we can introduce you as a really talented modeler, who builds impressive and colorful scenes. You have a lot of awards from international contests and a lot of publications. Are we right?))

Fortunately I can consider myself a lucky one, because I am able to attend relatively a lot of events, both in abroad and locally. Usually I come back with some medals thanks to my interesting scenes and themes selections, probably these are my keys. Maybe for the same reason did the professional papers follow my works with growing awareness. It is always a real honor for me if some magazine or paper publish one of my works. I am the most proud maybe about the publications of my articles in Tamiya Magazine, in Panzer Aces, in Model Time, in Military Illustrated Modeller and in the Pro Modell and of course I am really high-minded about my front pages.

We know you live in Budapest, can you tell us how is it to be a modeler in Hungary? Do you have Hungarian model clubs, shows, magazines, companies, websites, forums and all? Don’t you feel lonely?)))

I live in Budapest. We have here a lot of model clubs in Hungary, but these are generally small ones.
When I restarted my modeling career, I tried to join one club in Budapest, but unfortunately I failed in the attempt. I could not be a member for the most ancient reason you know… jealousy. (That means: In this case, if you would like to join to the club, which has a leader who know how to paint well. If you are painting better or more realistic than this man you can’t join to this club, because this man (or peoples) envious of me)

So as an alternative, with a bunch of my pals we grounded the Cobra Modeling Club. Here you can check it out:

I would appreciate your comments and opinion.

The only one Hungarian magazine which appear each 2 month is the ‘Pro Modell’. In my opinion it is a very good quality magazine. Why? Because the magazine has an own professional photographer who make the pictures about the models for the magazine. Usually it contains 6 Hungarian and 1 foreign modellers works. Unfortunately it appears only in Hungarian language.

We have here a lot of events too. Each club organize 1 event. But the biggest international event is the Moson Show with 1600-200 models. This is a pretty popular show with a lot of foreign visitors who came all over the world From Finland to China and Spanish to Russia.
Hungarian brands?

Balaton Model – 1/72, 1/48 resin models
Miniman Factory – 1/35, 1/48 resin models
HAD decals – Hungarian decals from 1/72-1/35
The Bodi – 1/35 Figures
Black Army Figures – 1/35, 1/48, 1/72 Figures
LImes Models – wood accessories 1/35, 1/48, 1/72
RP Toolz – Photo etch Tools

How you became a modeler yourself? Was it a little-boy hobby?

I had started modeling as a child too, but I quit it. I restarted this hobby in 2008 and since then I barely stops. I build annually around 3-6 mock-ups.

We are very interested in your weathering techniques, what materials do you prefer. Can you give some advises for our Russian readers?

I try almost everything, but the artist-oils give the most realistic impression in my opinion. Presently I am testing the ‘Mud and dirt’ products from AK Interactive. There are some I like, some others I rather not. To do the dusting I use the earth color oils from MIG Productions, but as I told you before I do not stuck down with a brand or technique.

In your modeler career who influenced you most? What books, modellers, magazines and so on? Old generation was inspired by Verlinden and Tamiya Magazine. On whose shoulders are you standing?)

Usually I am inspired by a photo and then I want to realize that. So basically I try to build the vehicle seen on the photo and not anything else. I keen on not to copy and mimic anybody. I always walk my own line.
Of course I like works from a lot of people, but maybe the models of Adam Milder touch me the most. Since I got involved not so long ago in modeling, I don’t really have newspapers or any other issues at home from which I could gather some inspiration.

Do you have some other life besides one of a modeller – like family, job, other hobbies maybe.

Yes, I have a family, two kids and I got my job. Unfortunately the time I can spare for modeling is getting fewer and fewer.

Let us see your models, which do you like most yourself?

My personal favorite is my small ‘Scratching-ground’ diorama in 1/72, but of course I like my ’Saipan beach’ diorama much as well.

You work with different scales – braille, quarter, 1:35, why is it? Most modelers stick to one scale and only.

My discursiveness between the different scales has no special reason. I simply like to create in every scale. It doesn’t matter for me, however I recently prefer using the 1/35 and the 1/48 kits. Typically I make a model with some interesting painting or/and appearance. In case there is no 1/35 scale model, which I would like to build or simply it would be too large with a diorama, then I skip scales.

Why do you prefer rusted and abandoned vehicles? And graffiti… That’s something really special!

I am fond of gunned-down, burn out, abandoned or really rusty vehicles. For me these deserted piles of rust mean life, at least regarding the color-cavalcade existing there. Besides I really love the strong-contrast, worn or very colorful paintings too. It is a good challenge to realize a vehicle with a graffiti on it. I was always keen on creating something special, which no one has done before me.

Can you tell about some of your modeling secrets?

I do not possess such. In every article of mine, be written either in Hungarian, English, Italian or Spanish, I wrote down detailed the way I have made the painting.

I use acryl (vallejo, Gunze) and artist oil (Rembrant, Mig, AK) paints. Maybe the most essential is that I always start with some light basic color, because the several layers of oils could pretty much darken the final result.
I try almost everything, in my case the Rembrant artist oils are giving back the most lifelike effect. Presently I am testing the mud and dirt products from AK Interactive. Are there some I like and some others which I rather not. To do the dusting I use the earth color oils from MIG Productions, but as I told you before I do not stuck down with a brand or by a technique.

What are your recent projects? Can you show us WIP?

Unfortunately I have more and more unfinished projects. I have a Guntruck HET in 1/72 scale, an URAL ATZ in 1/48, a Firefly 1/35, 1/35 IS-2 and a water diorama: Flamenco beach, etc…
(unfortunately I don’t have any pictures about the flamenco beach diorama)

Many people here in Russia know you as a manufacturer for these fine modeling tools, PE bending tools, in Russia we call them “gnulka”)))

Can you tell us how this idea came to you – produce your own line of these tools.

A couple of years ago, after my restart once I needed a bending tool and I seeked after on the world wide web… Unfortunately the ones I found were too expensive, so I decided to make one myself. After turning the promises into deeds, I introduced the prototype to my friends and all of them requested one or two pieces immediately. After a year we were already selling our products to web-shops as well. Compared to my first prototype we are producing today the 4th series of the benders. We are continuously developing the tools.

How they are differ from their counterparts from The Small Shop and Mission Models?

The difference is the production process and the material quality. The mentioned products are indeed nice-looking and they are as good as ours, but due to the production technology they are 2 or 3 times more expensive.
I always try to create the simplest, but the most precise products at the same time, which could be produced quickly.

Can you describe some interesting things about their manufacturing, what are they made of, how you make them

We are continuously developing our every product. For today all the parts we use are galvanized steel, so they are pretty really long-lasting. Regarding the material thickness we use 3 or 4 mm thick materials. This makes the tools become heavier, but also heavy duty and precise at the same time.

Your new tool is PUNCH & DIE – What is it for? How it works?

Our latest product is a ‘punch and die’ set. With this one can punch holes from 0,5 mm till 2 mm, with decimal adjusting possibility. A set contains the Die, the 16 pcs punch tools and a mini hammer.
The press-plate is a 1 mm thick steel sheet with a 3 mm steel plate as the counterprop. The upper plexi sheet maintains a precise positioning and helps at upper guiding.
The operation is very easy. Loosen the two nuts, so the springs will slightly lift the plexi sheet. Insert the workpiece under the plexi sheet and fixing it in position by tightening the knorled knobs. Select the proper Punch tool and punch with it. The loop will fall down at the bottom, and a hole will be left in the workpiece.
People building armored vehicles can use it to imitate screw-heads and rivets, while people who makes airplanes can use for the instrument panel and etc.

There Russian modellers can buy these fine tools?

Well, for Russia it is the WESTFRONT shop

What are you planning to do further on? What new instruments?

We are working on a hexagonal punch and die set presently. This will be soon released. Besides we are producing a smaller handle bending tool for producing the 2-3 mm small hat shaped workpieces.

Of course there are more items on stock in my mind, but about these I would rather not to speak yet. Let them be a surprise later for all of You.

Thank you, Peter for your time and interesting story!

Pavel Cherepanov, Vladimir Yashin

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Comments (8)

  1. Даниил says:

    Очень интересно было почитать! Спасибо за интервью

  2. Коншин Антон Николаевич says:

    Хорошо, если бы появились пробойники для вырубания различной листвы…

  3. Алексей Алексеев says:

    Спасибо за интервью! Познавательно. А самую маленькую “гнулку” я уже купил. Что характерно, у российского дистрибьютора (смайл).

  4. Чингис says:

    Коншин Антон Николаевич:
    27.05.2013 в 20:36
    Хорошо, если бы появились пробойники для вырубания различной листвы…
    Вот это точно!

  5. Алексей says:

    По моему по цене такого пробойника можно накупить готовой листы лазерной резки на всю оставшуюся моделистскую жизнь

  6. Коншин Антон Николаевич says:

    Алексей…накупить на всю жизнь, по 300-400 рублей за коробочку с гулькин нос? Из такой коробочки и одного деревца не сделать.. А стоить этот подобный пробойник немного то и больше шестигранного или круглого должен, т.к. всего лишь то только форма наконечников поменяется, и надо их от силы размеров и форм штук 10…

  7. Денис says:

    Спасибо, интересный человек.

  8. Melden says:

    Хочу выразить вам Питер свою благодарность, с удовольствием пользуюсь вашей гнулкой (18 см, приобрел через ост-фронт за что ребятам отдельное спасибо),очень радует высокое качество по доступной цене,буду и дальше следить за выходом вашей продукции и приобретать ее.Хочу пожелать вам дальнейшего развития и успеха в вашем хобби и бизнесе.