Review: PE from “World of Models”

We introduce a new Russian PE parts manufacturer – World of Models, with their three sets for T-34, KV-1 and Sdkfz 251. They are unexpensive (€3 – €5) and simple, a very good solution for beginners. All sets made specially for ZVEZDA kits, but should fit well for other kits too. They are designed in coop with VOJAGER, which  promises  high quality. Simple as they are, this PE sets provide most needful details, such as mesh screens for rear deck, clamps, antennas.

Overall, this sets are recommended for beginners and those who needs an easy and unsophisticated upgrade for their models for a really low price.

For a purchase write: [email protected]

Vladimir Yashin

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Comments (5)

  1. Вадим says:

    Очень хорошая новость.
    Полезные штуки для юниоров.

  2. Яшин Владимир says:

    Вадик, в скором времени появятся аналогичные наборы для Тигра и Пантеры. Для начинающих – самое то!

  3. Вадим says:

    Тоже для звезды?

  4. Яшин Владимир says:


  5. Яшин Владимир says:

    Хотя я уверен, что они вполне подойдут и для той же Тамии